pSeven Enterprise v2024.04 Release brings a lot of important updates and changes. You can track the progress of the study while it runs, using the new Designs.html report with interactive plots of the evaluation history. Enabled the internal modeling of linear responses in DoE techniques and in Adaptive design for GP (except the Adaptive responses).
pSeven v2024.04 release contains important updates, changes and bugfixes. In Predictive modeling now enabled the support for output noise variance in the HDA technique to improve its model quality, as well as SmartSelection takes output noise variance into consideration when selecting the final model.
pSeven v2024.03 release contains some changes and bugfixes. Updated the Linux version of pSeven for compatibility with Red Hat Linux versions 8 and above, and other Linux distributions based on Red Hat Linux. Updated block documentation: added the Const, Echo, and Random block pages.
pSeven Enterprise v2024.03 Release brings many changes. Design space exploration block (beta) now supports the evaluation history and intermediate results files for the space-filling DoE techniques (LHS, for example) and Gradient-free optimization. In the deployments that run blocks natively on Kubernetes now it's possible to set up network policies for blocks.
In pSeven v2024.02 release the Gradient Boosted Regression Trees (GBRT) approximation technique now supports parallelization with the new fast parallel training mode, which offers an increase in performance. Since this release, pSeven uses the date based version numbering scheme (vyear.month) so as to make the numbering consistent with other pSeven products
pSeven Enterprise v2024.01 release includes the ability to track the progress of a task in the Design space exploration block (beta version), the ability to specify the path to a template file (and output file), and NumPy has been updated from version 1.22.3 to version 1.26.2 in embedded Python.
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