February 15, 2024

pSeven Enterprise v2024.02 Release

pSeven development team announces the release of pSeven Enterprise v2024.02, a new version of a low-code cloud-native collaborative platform for building, deploying and operating different models and processes at scale. This release contains many changes, the most important of which are below.


  • App versions support in AppsHub - the AppsHub repository now allows multiple versions of a workflow to be published within a single app.

    Set app version when publishing your workflow from Studio

    Set app version when publishing your workflow from Studio

    Select the app version to use in AppsHub

    Select the app version to use in AppsHub

    App version menu

    App version menu

    The stock app UI displays the app version with the app name

    The stock app UI displays the app version with the app name

  • It is again possible to get an app thumbnail via REST API: added the "thumbnail" key in the app list and in the app details.
  • The stock app UI can display a dynamic report while the app runs. It reads the report contents from the REPORT.html file in the run directory, and your app's workflow should write and update REPORT.html to provide the report.

    A possible use of report in an optimization app

    A possible use of report in an optimization app

  • Upgraded the embedded pSeven Core package to version 6.52

Deployment and administration

  • pSeven Enterprise now enables admin event logging by default - switches on Save Events in Admin Events Settings of the authentication service (Keycloak).
  • If your update stops with a message indicating errors in AppsHub, you have the option to re-run helm install with --set fixApps=true for an automatic fix. This is a worst case option.


  • Design space exploration block (beta):
    • Fixed an issue with the Gradient-free optimization technique where the Optimal designs port output all feasible designs, including the non-optimal feasible designs.
    • Fixed an issue where the block sometimes did not display the "Auto" budget estimate for a technique that supports this feature.
    • Fixed an issue where, if you set a string value as the initial guess for a numeric variable, the block did not warn you about this invalid setting.
  • Fixed an issue with editing nested lists and dictionaries, where the Edit value dialog unexpectedly switched to the JSON editing mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the table, list, and dictionary editors where you could not save the value after changing the type of some element (column).

pSeven Enterprise v2024.02 also includes other changes and bugfixes — please check the release changelog for a full list. You can also contact us to get more information and pSeven Enterprise updates.

View changelog Contact us

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