Access and scalability

As a server-side web application, pSeven Enterprise allows running many resource-consuming studies simultaneously with a built-in resource manager, and running workflows offline without interruption.

Access from anywhere

pSeven Enterprise has server-side deployment architecture ― it is installed once on a central server, and all the users access it from anywhere on the network through any web browser. It runs in a predefined and well-controlled it environment, fully managed by customer’s IT teams. Companies can deploy pSeven Enterprise on premises or on the private cloud. The nature of a platform makes it totally independent from the browser or operating system of the end-user. Centralized deployment makes it simple to administrate ― installation, update, backups, migration, hardware usage or license management are made easy.


  • On-premises, within your company network. No communication with external world, no security risks!
  • In the private cloud. It is deployed on the private Cloud infrastructure of your choice (AWS, Digital Ocean, Azure etc.) and fully managed by your company, not by us.

One installation to support:

  • Simple installation & seamless version update
  • Easy migration and backup
  • Better hardware resource utilization
  • Licenses usage monitoring and better licenses utilization

Platform independence:

  • Access from any browser and any device:
    • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
    • Windows, Linux, etc.
access from anywhere

Access through any browser

web interface

pSeven Enterprise web interface


On premises or private cloud

Resource management

  • Execution:
    • Support of distributed heterogeneous environments.
    • Run blocks on Linux nodes and external Windows machines.
  • Management:
    • Many users can run many resource-intensive workflows at the same time.
    • pSeven Enterprise manages computing resources automatically.
    • Number of simultaneously running workflows is limited only by your license and computational resources.
  • Monitoring:
    • Status of all running processes is presented on a dashboard.

Server-side execution

“Fire & forget”:
  • Run workflow and logout – your workflow is still running on the server.
  • Your PC remains available for your tasks.
  • Results can be analyzed anytime from anywhere.
Monitor and manage running processes from anywhere:
  • Status of all workflows is represented on a dashboard.
Run many resource-consuming studies simultaneously:
  • Server will manage the demand for resources automatically.
finished workflow

Finished check


Running cached


Server-side execution

user machine

User machine

Interested in the solution?

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