June 10, 2019

DATADVANCE Exhibited at the Robust and Reliable Design by Simulation Seminar by NAFEMS

On June 6, DATADVANCE exhibited at the Robust & Reliable Design by Simulation Seminar held by NAFEMS in Paris.

The topics of Robust Design Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification are discussed at NAFEMS seminars since 2007, and hold relevance. Specialists from a wide spectrum of industries face the need to evaluate the influence of uncertain parameters of a product, like material properties or operating conditions, on its technical and operational characteristics.

The focus of this seminar was on the advanced techniques and methodologies in the domain of UQ and RDO, allowing engineers to significantly improve quality and reliability of designed products and manage potential risks at early design, manufacturing and operating stages.


Dr. Sanjiv Sharma presenting the paper “Uncertainties Management in the installation Architecture of Aircraft Electrical Power network"

Experts from major automotive, aerospace and software companies presented the methodologies and results of Uncertainty Quantification studies in their domains. Application of pSeven for Uncertainty Quantification was illustrated by Dr. Sanjiv Sharma from Airbus UK in the presentation of the paper “Uncertainties Management in the installation Architecture of Aircraft Electrical Power network”, co-authored by the experts from Airbus, SOGETI and DATADVANCE.


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