May 18, 2018

DATADVANCE Participated in NAFEMS DACH Conference

DATADVANCE participated as a sponsor and exhibitor and presented a Use Case with the customer at the NAFEMS DACH Conference dedicated to the engineering modeling, analysis & simulation. The conference was held in Bamberg, Germany and gathered top specialists from the leading software and industrial companies. 

DATADVANCE team members at the exhibition area

Liubov Lavrishcheva from Krylov State Research Centre, the world's major ship research & design centre, presented the Use Case devoted to optimization techniques of the marine propeller shape.

Liubov Lavrishcheva, Krylov State Research Centre

Read the full version of the Use Case "Optimization of Marine Propeller in a Uniform Flow Using Star-CCM+ and pSeven" to learn how Krylov State Research Centre automated the optimization process of the marine propeller and increased its efficiency by 1.5% with pSeven.

The plan view of the propeller prototype

Marine propeller optimization workflow in pSeven

DATADVANCE continues to participate at the NAFEMS Regional Conferences, that provide the engineering modeling, analysis & simulation community with an unrivaled opportunity to present, attend and exhibit at the only independent conferences of their kind which are dedicated solely to the analysis and simulation world.

Join DATADVANCE at the NAFEMS France Conference on November 15-16 in Paris!


location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68


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