October 10, 2017

DATADVANCE User Conference 2017 was held in Toulouse

On October 3, DATADVANCE User Conference 2017 was held in Toulouse at Airbus St. Martin iconic M01 building. This conference was the first event by DATADVANCE dedicated specifically to pSeven and pSeven Core users, but the second one after “Predictive Modeling and Optimization in the Era of Digitalization” thematic conference that took place in Paris last year.

Airbus St.Martin - M01 building

This user conference was aimed at providing an overview of DATADVANCE customers' best practices in data analysis, design optimization and simulation in different industries (including Aerospace, Energy, Shipbuilding and Life Sciences) and to exchange experience on challenges the industry is facing. In total, over 40 representatives from the leading European companies like AIRBUS, AREVA, STELIA Aerospace, Alstom, Medtronic and others participated in the event.

Overview of DATADVANCE User Conference 2017 registration area

Official Part

Thierry Chevalier, Chief Engineer Digital Product Development & Manufacturing at Airbus Group, opened the conference with a brief overview of Airbus’s history of mutually beneficial cooperation with DATADVANCE. After that, Laurent Chec, General Director at European branch of DATADVANCE, introduced the company in more details by covering its development plans and partners, like SCSK Corporation, a recently appointed distributor in Japan.

Thierry Chevalier welcoming conference participants

Dmitry Frolov, Marketing Director at DATADVANCE, followed the lead with a presentation about the company’s flagship software product pSeven. He spoke about built-in technologies for data and model analysis, design optimization and predictive modeling. Afterwards, Sergey Morozov, President of DATADVANCE, introduced pSeven development roadmap by giving the users more insight into how the product would evolve and help solve their engineering problems the upcoming year.

User Presentations

Loic Bossouf from Airbus Defense & Space opened the user presentation section by delivering a report about the ways of predicting satellite batteries degradation with pSeven Core. Afterwards, Vincent Leger explained how approximation models in pSeven were used to speed up shielding simulation and cask loading optimization at AREVA TN.

Frederic Turquier from Medtronic spoke about the increasing role of simulation in the medical industry and the ways of taking advantage of it on future markets. Anton Saratov followed with a presentation about DATADVANCE and TSAGI joint project that contained bi-level optimization enhanced with approximation models.

Liubov Lavrishcheva presenting the project about marine propeller optimization

After that, Liubov Lavrishcheva from Krylov State Research Centre presented a method for parametrization of marine propeller geometry and its further optimization with pSeven. Before the break, Dr. Sanjiv Sharma from UK’s Airbus Commercial Aircraft provided a very interesting and promising approach of making design decisions at the early stages of aircraft development using uncertainty quantification.

Dr. Sanjiv Sharma presenting ways of implementing uncertainty quantification in exploration of engine-airframe combinations

pSeven Live Demo

After the customer presentations section, Anton Saratov and Jean Demange showcased several applications of pSeven, like CAD/CAE direct integration and “Model Explorer”, a tool for visualizing and exploring high-dimensional approximation models, including export of models to FMU and Excel formats.

Anton Saratov presenting pSeven capabilities live

Closing of the Сonference

Right after the pSeven live demo, the attendees were transferred to Airbus final assembly line of the amazing A380 aircraft for a guided tour. This was a consequent, but still a very bright and captivating, finale of the conference that was held at Airbus premises. The day after the conference attendees also participated in a dedicated workshop to learn more about pSeven capabilities for design optimization, CAD/CAE integration and multidisciplinary workflow setup.

DATADVANCE is proud to be the host of such a diverse (in terms of user presentations) conference and thanks all the attendees for participation, interesting questions and contribution to the dialogue between the industry and pSeven developers!

For more information, please, contact us at events@datadvance.net.


location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68

mail_outline  info@pseven.io

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