May 15, 2023
pSeven team will participate at NAFEMS World Congress 2023 that will be held on May 15-18 in Tampa, Florida, USA and bring the global engineering simulation community back together again in person.
We invite you to attend our live presentation and visit us on the Exhibition area where we can run a live demo for you.
In the era of industry 4.0, continuous manufacturing benefits from predictive models built by engineering teams. Though, whatever the type of model (physics based, ML/AI, true Digital Twin), not only creating them can be extremely challenging but deploying them and making them easy to use from the shop floor is another challenge of its kind.
During the upcoming NAFEMS World Congress 2023, we will present an approach that removes the roadblocks on the way of model deployment and democratization of predictive analytics.
The approach developed was implemented based on the integration/automation of simulation processes, design optimization and predictive modelling (ML/AI) in a collaborative cloud environment. We illustrate the effectiveness of the approach on a real problem of pultrusion of glass fiber reinforced C-sections.
One key task is to build hybrid predictive model based on, Machine Learning technique on one hand, and Simulation on the other hand, and deploy it via web services. Operators setting up production machines can then use the deployed model to predict production quality and tune their machines to increase productivity.
May 18th, 2 PM, Track “9K - Reduced Order Modelling 2”
Don't miss it! If you haven't registered yet, now is the time!
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phone +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68
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