October 6, 2020
We are pleased to invite you to the virtual edition of DATADVANCE User Conference 2020. Originally scheduled to take place in Paris as an in-person event, it will instead be safely held online on October 6 due to the uncertainties related to the pandemic.
This is an anniversary edition, since in 2020 DATADVANCE is celebrating 10 years of continuous growth and software development to support customers in solving their engineering challenges. User conferences, held since 2015, became a perfect networking opportunity for us and our clients to share experiences, ideas, information and best practices in the domain of design exploration and predictive analytics. Join us online to:
October 6, 2020
Start time:
10:00 AM CET
Format: Online
Missed DUC2020? The recordings of all the sessions are available below, a short registration is necessary to get access to them.
Laurent Chec, Vice-president of Global Sales, DATADVANCE
Sergey Morozov, President of DATADVANCE
Sergio Sousa, Solution Owner for Workflow Automation, Halliburton
Alexandre Callens, Leader Engineering 4.0, Decathlon
Alexander Prokhorov, Vice-president of Software Development, DATADVANCE
Thomas Koenig, Science Fellow, High Viscosity Technology, Covestro
Anton Snigirov, Design Engineer, Irkut Corporation
Dimitris Drougkas, Senior Engineer, Department: Customer Service, BETA CAE Systems
Anton Saratov, Vice-president of Application Engineering, DATADVANCE
Antoine Porot, R&D Engineer, Simulation Specialist, LEONI
Stéphane Andrietti, Marketing Director, Transvalor
Joan Mas Colomer, Application Engineer, DATADVANCE
Pavel Kholodov, Université de Sherbrooke