April 25, 2017

Training session «Data analysis and optimization with pSeven and pSeven Core», France

DATADVANCE invites you to the three-days training session «Data analysis and optimization with pSeven and pSeven Core», that will take place on April, 25-27, 2017 in Suresnes, France. You will discover how to set up multi-objective optimization process in both pSeven and pSeven Core, how to build fast and cheap surrogate models for data analysis or surrogate-based optimization.

Training agenda

Registration Fee

1500 € for a two-days training and 2100 € for a three-days training

This amount includes lunches, coffee breaks and training material, but doesn’t include transportation, dinner nor hotel fees.

Learn more about DATADVANCE trainings


location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68

mail_outline  info@pseven.io

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