Industry solutions

pSeven can be implemented in different industries: from aerospace and automotive to electronics and biomedical.


Just in a few years, pSeven team has progressively grown into an important provider of data analysis, design optimization and process automation software and services. We welcomed a lot of aerospace and automotive companies and helped many other customers of different size to gain market share in a wide range of industries with our scalable solutions.


For small & mid-sized business

To continue growth and develop the best products on a highly competitive industrial market, companies need the best engineering software instruments available. These instruments also must be easy to integrate and replicate. To achieve this goal, we offer small and mid-sized companies:

  • Flexible desktop products licensing for data analysis, design optimization and predictive modeling available on both Windows and Linux.
  • Speeding up heavy simulations with fast and robust approximation models.
  • Capturing of company intellectual property (IP).
  • “Runner” licenses enabling:
    • Affordable Run-Ready Workflows execution.
    • Collaboration and best practices democratization.

Review pSeven and pSeven Core capabilities.


For industry leaders

To help industry leaders answer to world’s growing challenges and demands we offer customized and tailored solutions based on pSeven and pSeven Core that includes:

  • Cloud-enabled architecture making capabilities accessible from web-browser, including setup, execution and post-processing. You can test pSeven Cloud prototype yourself.
  • Foundations ready for large-scale web-based deployment projects (private cloud or external cloud).
  • Easy integration into company’s existing IT ecosystem:
    • On-demand connection with PLM and SPDM systems.
    • Job schedulers and HPC.
  • Centralization and standardization of engineering workflows.

Contact us to start a conversation.


location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68


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