Before pSeven v2025.02 we recommended our users to integrate Simcenter Amesim using exposed parameters in the simulation model and batch-mode execution. Despite being a valid and generic approach, it still may not be convenient enough for daily usage.
Addressing the growing number of requests, we introduce a new Amesim block, which streamlines the integration to literally several clicks.
Just specify your Amesim project in the block and it will extract the whole tree of input and output parameters automatically – simply choose what you want to use in your workflow and your model is ready for automated execution, for example, in optimization studies.
As a cloud-native collaborative platform, from day one pSeven Enterprise allows users to share their workflows with each other – to use “as is” in Run-only mode, modify them together in real time or build bigger stories, using shared workflows as references.
But what if the whole team is working on the same project and person-to-person sharing is not enough? In recent releases we introduced Workspaces – a shared space on the platform, where members can truly collaborate.
With granular setup of permissions, you can now organize group work and enable many scenarios, like:
It is also important to mention that workspaces not only allow you to group users – they provide control over resources associated with the group. For example, you can set storage quota for each workspace, ensuring that it won’t occupy more than expected amount of the storage space on the server.
Go to page navigate_nextThe new block enables direct integration of Forge by Transvalor into pSeven workflows. You only should specify Forge project, and the block will automatically extract available input parameters and results and present them in the UI.
Choose which of them to be used and your Forge simulation is ready to be linked with for example DSE block for parametric studies and optimization or other simulation and post-processing tools.
Direct integration blocks were updated to support most recent versions:
Before pSeven v2025.02 we recommended our users to integrate Simcenter Amesim using exposed parameters in the simulation model and batch-mode execution. Despite being a valid and generic approach, it still may not be convenient enough for daily usage.
Addressing the growing number of requests, we introduce a new Amesim block, which streamlines the integration to literally several clicks.
Just specify your Amesim project in the block and it will extract the whole tree of input and output parameters automatically – simply choose what you want to use in your workflow and your model is ready for automated execution, for example, in optimization studies.
The new block enables direct integration of Forge by Transvalor into pSeven workflows. You only should specify Forge project, and the block will automatically extract available input parameters and results and present them in the UI.
Choose which of them to be used and your Forge simulation is ready to be linked with for example DSE block for parametric studies and optimization or other simulation and post-processing tools.
Direct integration blocks were updated to support most recent versions:
As a cloud-native collaborative platform, from day one pSeven Enterprise allows users to share their workflows with each other – to use “as is” in Run-only mode, modify them together in real time or build bigger stories, using shared workflows as references.
But what if the whole team is working on the same project and person-to-person sharing is not enough? In recent releases we introduced Workspaces – a shared space on the platform, where members can truly collaborate.
With granular setup of permissions, you can now organize group work and enable many scenarios, like:
It is also important to mention that workspaces not only allow you to group users – they provide control over resources associated with the group. For example, you can set storage quota for each workspace, ensuring that it won’t occupy more than expected amount of the storage space on the server.
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