October 8, 2020

Halliburton's experience building its cloud-native Digital Oilfield offering by embedding pSeven

Fill out the form and receive a link to the recording of online presentation by Sergio Sousa, Solution Owner for Workflow Automation, Halliburton, held on October 6, 2020, at pSeven User Conference Online.


Halliburton is known for its long experience building advanced digital oilfields for the hydrocarbons Exploration & Production (E&P) industry, and these activities were mostly supported by using proprietary and third-party tools to assemble custom solutions on a project-by-project basis. This model served Halliburton quite well for a long time, but after extended periods of low commodity prices and increased market pressure for lower-cost solutions, the need to reduce the delivery time of projects by increasing solutions' re-usability lead Halliburton to develop Digital Field Solver™ (DFS).

DFS is a cloud-enabled service dedicated to delivering digital oilfield solutions that make use of first-principles and data-driven models with high-quality data operated by automated workflows to provide value in the form of analysis, diagnostics, and recommendations for oil & gas assets.

During the technology review process, pSeven was a clear outlier in the PIDO (Process Integration and Design Optimization) market by being web-based, powered by Python, and relying on powerful APIs for optimization, uncertainty analysis, and predictive analytics.

This presentation shows how Halliburton leveraged the pSeven technology to deliver on the Digital Field Solver™ vision as well as provides insights on how you too can take advantage of pSeven features and flexibility in a corporate solution.

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