October 14, 2021

Recording of the presentation "Reliable forecasts of gas properties without explicit physical modelling – an underground gas storage application case"



  • Thomas Schaaf, Reservoir Engineer, Storengy – Engie group

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All three types of Underground Gas Storages (UGS) – depleted fields, aquifers, and salt caverns - are exploited by Storengy, the European leader in the gas storage industry. To summarize: the gas cycling over the UGS portfolio is periodic, with gas injection over the summer (high gas stock), and gas production over the winter period.

Focusing on aquifer gas storages, some chemical reactions might happen in the underground porous media (depending on variables Xi), which might modify the characteristics of the UGS produced gas and challenge a direct re-injection in the transportation system, where gas must fulfill some technical specifications.

It is therefore crucial to have reliable forecasts of such UGS produced gas characteristics (response Y). Although the physics is well understood, no numerical model is currently available to mimic such phenomena. From a raw dataset, we have capitalized on the data analysis and Model builder features of pSeven to:

  • Assess and rank the impact on Y of the different Xi,
  • Build some reliable models able to forecast the gas key characteristic Y over some periods of interest.

This pSeven application is complementary to other internally developed approaches and, by cross-checking, reinforces our confidence in the obtained forecasts.

Presentation Recording


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