October 9, 2020

Recording of the presentation "Airfoil trailing-edge optimization for noise reduction"


The recording of an online presentation held on DATADVANCE User Conference 2020.

Speaker: Pavel Kholodov, Stéphane Moreau, Université de Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

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The single-objective surrogate-based optimization study of the trailing-edge serrations is performed using Ayton’s analytical model. The parametric study of the model is provided, and the main effect of the serration amplitude, wavelength and the shape curvature are investigated. The spanwise coherence length of the wall pressure fluctuations is found to act as a filter for cut-on modes. The surrogate-based optimization problem is solved for serrations with and without slits. For three increasing values of serration wavelength, the optimal shape of serrations smoothly changes from ogee to sawtooth and to sinusoidal or iron-shaped. The noise reduction margin between the best and the worst shape decreases with increasing wavelength.

The current study represents a practical approach towards further development of trailing-edge serrations.

Presentation Recording


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