pSeven Enterprise allowed to automate the simulation processes inside different departments and after that link the dependencies between those simulations in one master workflow to create a full-scale digital prototype of a jet engine.
Repetitive manual operations during compressor map cunstruction such as building geometry models, mesh generation, post-processing of the results and data exchange between different software were automated in pSeven Enterprise.
pSeven based project that allowed create an automated workflow for parametric analysis and optimization of car suspension dampers in order to ensure passenger vibration comfort and smooth vehicle behavior on the road.
pSeven based project for Formula Student, a student engineering competition held annually all over the world. The results allowed increasing the accuracy of the mathematical model of the longitudinal movement of the racing car, which even closer brought it to the real model of the car's behavior on the track.
Benefits of optimization with parametric mesh morphing: ANSA and META integration in pSeven. The Use Case that demonstrates the benefits of parametric mesh morphing in optimization studies compared to the typical CAD-based parameterization of geometry modifications.
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