January 16, 2019

WINDnovation Adopts pSeven in Design of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades

TOULOUSE, France, January 16, 2019 — WINDnovation Engineering Solutions GmbH adopts pSeven platform by DATADVANCE, an independent software developer of design space exploration, predictive modeling, automation and integration solutions.

Prior to this decision, engineers from WINDnovation evaluated pSeven as a part of the design process of wind turbine rotor blades. pSeven allowed integrating the whole variety of industry-standard and in-house software tools used at WINDnovation for aerodynamic design, loads calculation and structural analysis, and solving the multidisciplinary optimization problem of reducing global blade mass while respecting specified constraints of turbine loads and energy production.

Dr. Roland Stoer, Managing Director of WINDnovation, said: “At WINDnovation, every rotor blade is developed to fit the specific conditions of the sites and the requirements of each specific client — we do not believe in standard solutions. This is the only way to achieve optimum results for our clients, and we see the great opportunities for using pSeven in the customization process”. 

Mr. Laurent Chec, the General Director of DATADVANCE SAS, added: “We are proud to be the software solution supplier for the design of increasingly important wind turbines. Due to the high number of parameters creating tailored solutions for the customers is a big challenge, which would be easier to overcome with pSeven, as it proved to be able to find not only a balance between the conflicting requirements of multiple disciplines involved in the iterative and interactive process of rotor blade design but also the local optima in the given design space”.



About WINDnovation

With more than 200 rotor blades designed, WINDnovation Engineering Solutions GmbH is the world’s leading designer of rotor blades for all types and performance categories of modern wind turbines, for all terrains and wind conditions in over 20 countries.



location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

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