October 22, 2021

pSeven Japan User Conference 2021

SCSK Corporation, DATADVANCE’ reseller in Japan, announces the 3rd User Conference for pSeven users in Japan, that will be held on October 22 online. At this meeting, the representatives of SCSK will provide the attendees with the latest information about DATADVANCE software products development and industry trends, and SCKS customers will demonstrate the examples of pSeven application for various industries. DATADVANCE will present the company vision and products update.

This virtual event is aimed at the management and specialists of R&D, data analysis and optimization departments of various industry segments in Japan, both users of pSeven and those who want to learn about its functionalities.

Participation is FREE, registration required.

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location_on  France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42

phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68

mail_outline  info@pseven.io

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