May 14, 2018

DATADVANCE is a Silver Sponsor at the NAFEMS DACH Conference 2018

DATADVANCE continues to participate at the NAFEMS Regional Conferences, that provide the engineering modeling, analysis & simulation community with an unrivaled opportunity to present, attend and exhibit at the only independent conferences of their kind which are dedicated solely to the analysis and simulation world.

On May 14-16 DATADVANCE will be a Silver sponsor of the NAFEMS DACH Conference:

  • Visit our booth, where DATADVANCE specialists will share their experience and customers' best practices in data analysis, design optimization and simulation.
  • Join a use case presentation "Optimization of Marine Propeller in a Uniform Flow Using Star-CCM+ and pSeven" by Liubov Lavrishcheva, Engineer at Krylov State Research Centre, the world's major ship research & design centre!

Learn more> 

 To appoint a meeting, please, send an email to


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phone  +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68


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