The event will take place in Atlanta, USA, between March 10th and 12th and bring together senior industry leadership, analysts, business owners, experts, C-suite executives, and visionaries in the community of model-based analysis, simulation, and systems engineering.
BİAS Mühendislik, pSeven partner in Turkey, one of leading engineering companies and the largest private automotive test center, and Nina Moëllo, pSeven SAS application engineer, invite you to participate in an online event - Fast and optimal design of your automotive products with Adams Car and pSeven.
pSeven together with TECOSIM, a reseller in Germany, a market leader in numerical calculation and simulation (CAE) and a provider of development processes and software, will present pSeven products at NAFEMS DACH Conference 2024, that will be held on June 10 – 12, in in Bamberg, Germany.
location_on France, 31100 Toulouse, Av. du Général de Croutte 42
phone +33 (0) 5 82-95-59-68
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